Illnesses and emotions according to Reiki 

Here we will discuss the relationship between emotions and discomfort according to reiki. First of all, Reiki states that all physical ailments have their true origin in an emotional disorder of different types. Then we will give a list of the main human ailments related to different emotional disorders, so that they can help when applying Reiki. According to Reiki, 90% of ailments have a psychosomatic origin. That is, it is a tract of some emotion that we do not process or assimilate and, in the end, we end up manifesting a symptom. The other 10% of the illnesses would have a physical or chemical origin (physical or chemical substances or movements that would provoke the illnesses).


And finally

Finally, if you want to go deeper into this topic, emotions and origin of the disease, I recommend you to read the following books:

Illness as a path, by Thorwald Dethlefsen and Rüdiger Dahlke.

The medicine of the soul, by Eric Rolf

Well, I hope I have helped you to know more about emotions and illnesses according to reiki. Don’t forget to subscribe and follow me if you want to receive in your mail new and interesting posts, thanks !!!!

And don’t forget us if you want to learn reiki, contact us!!!


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