Cursos de Karuna Reiki®

Karuna Practitioner & Master Karuna Reiki®


What is Karuna Reiki?


Karuna is a word from the Sanskrit language that can be translated as true compassion. It is a quality practiced by some enlightened beings, who having come to the full liberation of suffering and karma, recognize in their superconscious state that all beings are One, and experiencing compassion for all those who are still separated from their Inner Being, and, Therefore, immersed in ignorance, pain and darkness, they decide to renounce their definitive liberation, incarnating again in physical planes to help the liberation of all beings. This action of renouncing eternal bliss and glory is only possible by experiencing Karuna, true compassion. The goal of Karuna is to open up to Compassion towards all beings, as well as healing and the spiritual process.

The Karuna ® Reiki System, as taught to teach, consists of two degrees of practitioner and a double mastery, although this is merely a practical matter, since, in reality, one can only speak of one level of practitioner and another Master’s level, subdivided.

Consequently, Karuna ® Reiki produces a very deep level of healing, it is recommended to healers and all spiritual seekers. Karuna ® Reiki is the Reiki practiced by the historical Buddha Siddhartha Gautama to heal and elevate the spirituality of his followers. Finally, in this system many symbols are learned that have a great spiritual and healing power, each level has its own.




The Karuna® Reiki System, has two degrees of practitioner level and a double mastery, although this is merely a practical matter, since, in reality, one can only speak of one level of practitioner and another Master’s level, subdivided. Consequently, Karuna® Reiki produces a very deep level of healing, it is recommended to healers and all spiritual seekers.

Karuna® Reiki is the Reiki practiced by the historical Buddha Siddhartha Gautama to heal and elevate the spirituality of his followers.

Finally, in this system many symbols are learned that have a great spiritual and healing power, each level has its own.

After completing each level, a certificate and a manual with the description of each symbol are delivered

Karuna® Reiki courses are official and registered at the International Center for Reiki Training in Michigan, USA. Finally, you will receive a certificate issued directly by this center, including a registration number in it.


Especially to therapists, healers, etc … and, in general, to anyone who works with Reiki. In short, to all those interested in enhancing energy in their treatments.

Karuna Reiki ® Practitioner

Recommended to therapists, healers, or anyone who works with Reiki or other energy therapies for personal use and / or to enhance their treatments.

Access from the second level of Reiki Usui – Tibetan Usui to Karuna Practitioner Level 1

Access from the second level of Reiki Usui – Tibetan Usui to Karuna Practitioner Level 2

Four new symbols delivery

Curso de Maestría Karuna Reiki ® Practicante

Also therapists, healers, or anyone who works with Reiki or other energy therapies for personal treatment or to treat others

Access from Karuna Practitioner Level 1 to Karuna Master Level 1

Access from Karuna Practitioner Level 2 to  Karuna Master Level 2

Four new symbols delivery

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