Barcelona Reiki, Usui- and Tibetan Usui School. Karuna® Reiki Trainings

First Reiki Level


Action on a physical and energetic level

Self-treatment and treatment to others

Symbol Cho Ku Rei

Second Level Reiki (Shinpiden)


Action on an emotional and mental level

Self-treatment and treatment to others, more effective than in the first level

Remote reiki sending

Two new symbols: Sei He Ki and Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen

Third Level Reiki



Action on a spiritual level

Self-treatment and treatment to others, more effective than second level

Remote reiki sending

Astral or etheric surgery

Antahkarana or reiki glass grill

Two new symbols: femenine and masculine day ko myo 

Usui & Tibetan Usui Master Reiki Level

Training for new students

Tuning to new students and auto-tunings

Delivery of three new symbols

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will answer you as soon as possible

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