Barcelona Reiki, Usui- and Tibetan Usui School. Karuna® Reiki Trainings

Second Degree Reiki 


Second Degree Reiki provides you on a mental and emotional level

  • Complement to psychological treatments

  • Decrease in emotional problems such as: fear, anger, anger, resentment, sadness, etc …

  • Unlock traumas like: separations, duel, shock, abuse, etc

  • To connect with your own self: improving your self-esteem and worth

  • Greater self-knowledge and more…


Second Level Reiki

The second level of reiki acts on a physical, mental and emotional level. It includes self-treatment at these levels for oneself as well as for others. It enables the student to send reiki remotely (in time and physical location). It allows to send reiki to past and future situations or send to friends, relatives, etc … to people who are not physically with the student.

Especially note that there are currently multiple variants of Reiki. Many of them are created by private therapists and have no continuity in other centers. Consequently, we recommend attending centers that provide only those official degrees and endorsed as for instance:

  • At the national level: Centers in agreement with Federación Española de Reiki  for traditional Reiki Usui & Tibetan -Usui Reiki

  • On an international level: Centers of agreement The International Center for Reiki Training in case of Karuna Reiki ®

Finally, these centers work according to some Statutes that guarantee you the method of teaching, contents, practices, etc.

Second Degree Reiki Program

The second level of Reiki includes, among others:

Introduction to the second degree reiki, Federación Española de Reiki , initiation or tuning of the second level, two symbols of the second level of Reiki, various uses of symbols, second level Reiki therapies, self-treatment and treatment of others, mental symbols and emotional (physical treatment), Mental and Emotional treatment of bad habits or addictions, giving power to the goals, direct treatments: mental and emotional with oneself and others, different ways of sending Reiki remotely, treatment at a distance (a self, inaccessible parts), distance treatment: physical self, distance treatment: mental-emotional with oneself or other people or issues, remote applications of reiki: with oneself or with others, children or sleeping persons , Future and Past, Teachers, Remote healing group: spiral method and circle method, tips for remote treatment, summary treatments, 21 days of cleaning, bibliography, practices of Reiki sessions, meditations, etc.


Handbook and Certificate, Federación Española de Reiki 


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