Reiki Treatment


How does a reiki treatment work? 

A Reiki treatment lasts for about 60 minutes. The number of reiki sessions will depend on the state of the person and the severity of the ailment or disease. The reiki sessions are performed with the person lying on a stretcher, dressed and without shoes. There is an imposition of hands on the chakras or different organs. There is no manipulation or massage, nor the risk of injury by manipulation. The patient may have more or less sensations, depending on their sensitivity or ability at a subtle level. The healing process will continue even after a few days of receiving the session. During the session it is not necessary to concentrate on anything.
Finally, Reiki does not impose dogmas of faith nor is it based on any religion. From the first session you can feel the benefits of Reiki. Reiki therapy is not a therapy that substitutes medicine or medical diagnosis but complements it. Reiki does not heal by itself, but it has been proven effective in many hospitals (starting with the USA, followed by many countries and also here in Spain). Reiki can be considered an alternative or complementary therapy. The Reiki therapist is no more than a channel connected to the Universal Energy that puts it in contact with the patient so that he begins his healing. The therapist only activates that innate capacity that every person possesses to heal itself.

Reiki is NOT a massage, there is NO manipulation. Maximum seriousness I DO NOT answer private or hidden numbers.

Who can receive reiki?

People, animals and even plants can receive Reiki. It can also be applied to food, objects and houses. Cleaning is done to renew the energy of them.

How many sessions do I need?


Reiki acts on four levels: Physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Therefore, it would be advisable to do four reiki sessions to regulate each of these levels. However, you decide if you want only one session, taking a pack or a single session.

Reiki Session Prices

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