Seventh Chakra Sahasrara

Seventh Chakra Sahasrara

Seventh chakra sahasrara This seventh  sahasrara chakra is located at the top of the head. It is shaped like a cone facing the sky and is white – violet in color. The  crown chakra refers to our abilities of knowledge, understanding and understanding of the universe....
Sixth Chakra Ajna

Sixth Chakra Ajna

Sixth chakra ajna or third eye The sixth chakra ajna or third eye, is located between the eyebrows and is purple. Another symmetrical chakra is linked to it and we can find it in the back, it is smaller and is related to our intuitive, clairvoyant, imaginative...
Signs And Symptoms Of Mental Stress And Solutions

Signs And Symptoms Of Mental Stress And Solutions

Symptoms Of Mental Stress And Solutions   Stress affects everyone from one degree or another. There are many types of daily stressors, such as the stress of driving in traffic, relationship stresses, job stresses, and financial stresses.There are also stressors...
Fifth Chakra Throat

Fifth Chakra Throat

Fifth chakra vishuda   The fifth vishuda chakra is located in the throat and has another symmetrical one in the back related to communication. It is shaped like a funnel facing forward. Its color is light blue. This chakra is the one that symbolizes our celestial...
Fourth Chakra Anahata

Fourth Chakra Anahata

Fourth chakra anahata   This fourth  anahata chakra is located at the height of the heart and oriented towards the front. It is green and has a  symmetrical chakra in the back that is associated with love and air. The proper functioning of this chakra It implies...

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