Do you have any doubt? Do not hesitate to contact

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will answer you as soon as possible


Due to the volume of work, as much as possible we would appreciate it if the first contact to request information is by email, however if you think your call is necessary and you decide to call, we will gladly assist you.

If you have any question, wish to schedule an appointment or book a course,  fill in the following form and we will get in touch with you as soon as possible. Depending on the server you have, our response can enter the spam tray (check it just in case).

Treatments & Reiki Training in Barcelona

Adress : c/ Bruc, 94, 6º 6ª (Esquina c/ Aragón)

Metro  L4 – Girona  ó L1 (Plaça Catalunya)

Please, write  us before coming, don’ t come without an scheduled appointment, thanks



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Frequently Asked Questions ( FAQ's)

What is Reiki?

Reiki is a system of personal healing and growth that can be practiced by people of any ideology or religion

Does reiki work even if you do not believe in it?

For Reiki to work it is not necessary to believe in its effectiveness. In its effectiveness, the beliefs or religion of the person do not influence at all. Reiki acts autonomously, since it is an intelligent, pure and simple energy.

Can I combine Reiki with other treatments or therapies?

Reiki is fully compatible with other treatments, both medical and alternative. In fact, it can be complementary and favorable to these other treatments.

When will I feel Reiki effects?

From the first session you can already feel the effects of Reiki. However, to treat any problem or ailment, it is advisable to do up to 4 sessions in a short period of time (maximum one month). Then, depending on the result, maintenance can be done after about fifteen days. or a month.

Is Reiki therapy recognized as well?

Since 1995 Reiki has been recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO) as a complementary healing therapy. Some examples of hospitals that use Reiki are:

Hospital 12 de Octubre and Ramón y Cajal of Madrid.
Vall d’Hebrón Hospital of Barcelona.
Program with 3,000 patients by the Salut Foundation.
Hospital 12 de Octubre (Madrid) Training of health personnel by the Sauce Foundation.
Ramón y Cajal Hospital (Madrid) Therapies and clinical studies in oncology.
Anderson Clinic (Houston USA).
Therapists on staff. Middlesex Hospital (United Kingdom).
Therapists on staff. Continuum Group (7 hospitals in N.Y. serving 15,000 patients) Therapists on staff.
Hartford Hospital (New England, USA) Therapists on staff and 7 years of studies on the effect of Reiki on their patients.

How can Reiki help me? How can I start?

On a personal level, if you practice Reiki on a regular basis, you will feel more optimistic, calm, confident and more “present”. With the 1st Reiki level you can give autoReiki to you and to others on a physical level. From the 2nd level of Reiki you can give autoReiki to yourself and others at a mental, emotional level and even send Reiki from a distance. To start practicing Reiki, previous knowledge is not necessary. The 1st Reiki level is taught from zero knowledge. Fill in the Contact Form if you want more information or make a reservation.

How can I enroll? Reiki course conditions

Fill in the Contact form if you want more information or make a reservation. Here you will find the conditions in the courses: enroll and cancellations


Which guarantees do I have in Reiki courses?

Barcelona Reiki offers training according to the statutes and deontological code of Federación Española de Reiki . Here you can see my federated card (María Isabel Iglesias Fonseca) Fill in the Contact form if you want more information or make a reservation.

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