Karuna Reiki ® Maestría


First of all, to get to Karuna Reiki ® Master it is necessary to have Karuna Reiki ® Practitioner Level I and II and to be a Master of Reiki Usui or Usui- Tibetan. In mastery, the symbols of Master are learned in order to initiate others.

The Karuna Reiki ® Mastery is composed of two levels:

Master I Karuna Reiki ®: Tuning and alignments for Karuna Reiki® Practitioner Level I

Karuna Reiki® Master II: Tuning and alignments for Karuna Reiki® Practitioner Level II

Karuna Reiki ® Master is recommended to therapists, healers, etc … and, in general, to anyone who works with Reiki or other energy therapies and is interested in promoting energy in their treatments.

After completing each level, a certificate and a manual with the description of each symbol are delivered. The courses are official and registered at the International Center for Reiki Training in Michigan, USA. You will receive a certificate issued directly by this center, including a registration number.


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29209 Northwestern Hwy., # 592
Southfield, MI 48034, USA
Phone: ( 810) 948-8112, ( 800) 332-8112 Fax : (810) 948-9740
e- mail : center@reiki.org


KARUNA REIKI ® is a Trade Mark

Karuna Reiki ® is a system developed and registered by the International Center for Reiki Training in early 1995. The reason that your brand has been registered is to preserve the basics of the system, so that anyone who takes a Karuna Reiki class is receiving the same symbols, the same healing energies and the same synths. All Karuna Reiki® Masters belong, directly or indirectly, to the Central Michigan lineage. There have been other healing systems that were created and had no registration mark. Many of these systems have fallen into confusion and their names no longer represent the same training for which they were originally made. The International Center for Reiki Training, by registering this system, is protecting it so that the same training is always respected.

The Center asks the Masters trained in this system to be guided by the following rules:

1- That you have taken Karuna Reiki Master’s training from someone who is under the center line so that you can be a certified teacher.
2 – To teach the same symbols that were given.
3- To use the same forms of attunement that were given.
4- Use the Karuna Reiki Manual offered by the Center as your class manual.
5- That you use the R symbol after the name of Karuna Reiki in every advertisement to indicate that Karuna Reiki is a registered trademark.
6- Register with the Center and have a registration number.

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